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Press & the Media

Marketing & Communications provides all media and communications services and acts as the official “voice of Penn Highlands Community College.” Marketing & Communications is the principal contact/liaison for all communications between the College and media representatives, as determined by the Office of Institutional Advancement.

It is very important to involve us in all college-related communications with representatives of the news media. We will help you prepare for interviews and help ensure accuracy and consistency in public statements.

Refer Media Inquiries To

Raymond Weible, Jr.
Executive Director of Marketing & Communications

Share Your Story Or Information

Have a story or information to share? Let us know. We’d rather have too much than too little. Click on the button link below or email Marketing & Communications.

What is newsworthy? Think:

  • New: a new program, class, or activity
  • Big: lots of people, money, or impact
  • Unusual: the oldest, youngest, first, last, only one of its kind
  • People: a personal, unique, emotional story
  • Buzz: what people are talking about, the first thing you tell your friends and family about your day at the college
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